Six months of rigorous testing

Six months of rigorous testing

The AKRS was developed after multiple failed attempts to properly modernise issued service weapons using commercially available solutions to a reasonable proximity to modern NATO small arms doctrine. After months of trials, we could not identify a single full top rail system with Mil-Spec execution & SOPMOD B2 compatibility on the market and so we decided to create a dedicated rail system to satisfy our own demand. The non-compatibility of comparable rails with standard issue force multipliers like the GP- grenadelaunchers, the loss of iron sights and/or full fieldstrip capability, the overcomplexity paired with weak droptest- & force impact performance, sharp edges and wiggle are just a few of the issues encountered.

After teaming with reputable industry partners like J.Kilian, a leading enterprise in robotics machinery & mechanical design, and meXtec Germany, a renown manufacturer of critical and load bearing parts, known for their uncompromising approach and indisputable quality, we, after 6 months of trials and real world application of prototypes, were able to create the without doubt single best rail system for AK pattern service rifles on the market.

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